Interaction in the hybrid media system

Ben Shapiro in the Hybrid Media System


Being a conservative political commentator, show host, and writer, Ben Shapiro has become one of the most famous American influencers. He is a prime example of how right-wing metapolitical influencers use digital media to make their mark on public discourse.

Portret of Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro in the hybrid media system: methodology and methods

Ruben den Boer
12 minutes to read

This article presents a detailed account of the methodologies and methods we deployed while investigating how Ben Shapiro uses mainstream digital media to have a voice in the hybrid media system.

Picture of Ben Shapiro, in the background we see some of his social media posts

Telling stories using platform affordances: an analysis on Ben Shapiro’s social media use

Ruben den Boer
16 minutes to read

Platforms are not neutral. Their affordances and quantification shape the stories we tell and read. This article delves into this phenomenon by focusing on how Ben Shapiro tells his metapolitical stories on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Factsheet Danielle D'Souza Gill

Fact sheet: Danielle D'Souza Gill

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
8 minutes to read

Danielle D'Souza Gill is a famous far-right influencer. Her entire family appears to be part of an effort to spread right-wing ideas. Before you read our three articles concerning her, get some background information on her through this factsheet.

The uptake of Danielle D'Souza Gill

The uptake of Danielle D'Souza Gill: Platform matters

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
28 minutes to read

Danielle D'Souza Gill is a popular far-right influencer. The manner in which her followers engage with her posts varies per platform. Read this article to discover how this works differently on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

How propaganda works in the hybrid media system

Ania Borkusewicz
18 minutes to read

They catch our attention, waste time, and bombard us with clickbaity titles whenever we scroll social media: junk and fake news are significant problems of today's internet. This article shows how they can be used to spread propaganda.