Right-wing Gramscianism: the hegemonic project of Thierry Baudet

Tinus Sioen
12 minutes to read

Thierry Baudet often mentions the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci. Analysing these references, this article places Baudet in a right-wing gramscian movement in order to get a better understanding of his hegemonic project. 


On racism and how to read Hannah Arendt

Ana Deumert
8 minutes to read

In this column Ana Deumert looks at the work of Hannah Arendt. She asks how scholars can engage with her work, given the persistent presence of racist tropes in her writings.

Witch in the woods

#Hexit: witches in Dutch political discourse

Ruben den Boer
14 minutes to read

Witches are hardly political figures, but their name and likeliness are used in Dutch political discourse, for example in the hashtag #hexit. So, what actually is the discursive function of witches is in Dutch political discourse?

what is the self proclaimed 'art hoe'?

The whitewashing of the 'art hoe' movement

Marieke Weeda
11 minutes to read

This article explores how the art hoe movement, meant as a space of creative expression for PoC (People of Colour) artists, got whitewashed into a mere aesthetic disconnected from its origins.

Fairy Tales are reimgined and updated in the Girl Tales Podcast. This is an interview with podcast found and executive Producer Rebecca Cunningham and producer, writer, voice actor Tessa Flannery.

Democracy and the 'Shit You Should Care About'

Iris Dumoulin
11 minutes to read

In the ever-changing media landscape, the distribution of news is now also taking place online. Instagram accounts like 'Shit You Should Care About' are now participating in this distribution. What does this online presence mean for democracy?

digital media, platform ideologies, digital ideologies

Digital economy and platform ideologies

Working paper
Ico Maly

Can we analyse digital media platforms as producers of ideology? Ico Maly lays out a framework to do exactly that. 

How globalization changed Singapore

Mariosé Bergsteijn
17 minutes to read

The city-state Singapore is a prime example of how huge of an impact globalization can have. We can see this through Singapore developing from a small fishing town to a thriving megapolis.

ikea, globalization, advertisement

How typically Swedish is IKEA all over the world?

Malou Janssen
9 minutes to read

In order to operate on a global level, IKEA makes many regional adjustments to their marketing campaigns. So how "Swedish" are they?

Eating disorder sufferers on Twitter

Tara van Dijk
12 minutes to read

There is a social dimension to people suffering from an eating disorder. On platforms such like Twitter they form a social group. How is it to be a member of this community? 

Rupi Kaur menstruation

Code red: Rupi Kaur’s menstrual activism that invited online trolls

Jessaline Tanjung
12 minutes to read

This article breaks down Rupi Kaur's online menstrual activism. We see how menstrual activism evolved into online activism and discuss whether the negative comments and trolling Kaur experienced are inevitable consequences of activism.

Disney castle Florida

Disney Parks and soft globalization

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
14 minutes to read

Disney has spread its Parks all over the world but faces new challenges that can only be solved by adapting its product to local cultures. The article explores how local and global forces together with Disney's identity influence their products.