
The politics of #shutdown: from capitalism to popular protest

Ana Deumert
4 minutes to read

In this column Ana Deumert looks at the meaning and practice of shutdown. Originally used in the context of capitalist expansion and workforce disciplining, it has been adopted as a grassroots tool of rebellion against the status quo. 

VSB Fund stops supporting prestigious Dutch literary prize

Odile Heynders
3 minutes to read

On 30 August 2017 the Dutch VSB Fund announced to stop financing the VSB Poetry Prize after this year’s (the 24th) edition. Poetry or ‘the volume of an individual’ is considered to not fit into the new policy. Odile Heynders does not agree.

Someone in New York finally put me on a panel …

Kevin Doyle
8 minutes to read

Kevin Doyle sees a vast consolidation and compression of human experience into more and more narrow and predictable terms. The unique language and vocabulary that innovative forms of the arts provide us can be an antidote, according to him.

Liu Xiaobo: Keeping a voice

Odile Heynders
9 minutes to read

Nobel laureate and dissident writer Liu Xiaobo is released from prison. Xiaobo dedicated the Nobel prize to ‘the martyrs of Tiananmen square’. His poetry expresses his courage and conviction. says Odile Heynders

The inscription on the wall says "for an education that helps us think instead of teaching us to obey."

Neutrality in the public education system: does it exist?

Daniela Meireles
9 minutes to read

A social movement in Brazil accuses teachers of public institutions of imposing their political beliefs on students, and defends that schools should be ideologically neutral environments. However, is neutrality in education possible?