Front national

Marine Le Pen Fake Feminist

Marine le Pen: a fake feminist?

Nadadja Binder
11 minutes to read

How has Marine Le Pen been using her feminine side? And what can we learn from FEMEN's protests against Le Pen, and more specifically against her feminism?

steve bannon marine le pen front national rassemblement national populism congress party jean marie le pen

From Front National to Rassemblement National

Ruben Bastiaanse
4 minutes to read

Rassemblement National should become the new rallying cry for nationalists in France and make Front National salonfähig. How Marine Le Pen and Steve Bannon attempt to pour old nationalist wine in new bottles. 

'Au nom du peuple!': Marine Le Pen's message on social media

Irene de Groot
8 minutes to read

As is the case with most politicians nowadays, Marine Le Pen is active on social media platforms. This article zooms in on the message she tries to bring across with her social media usage.

Resistance against Trumpism

Trump, Europa en de hedendaagse antiverlichting

Ico Maly
4 minutes to read

Trump is geen uniek Amerikaans gegeven; hij is een symptoom van een zieke democratische wereld. Het is aan ons om te beslissen of we de democratie zullen verkwanselen of versterken.