
De Geest voorbij: geesteswetenschappelijke reflecties op gezondheidszorg

Academic paper
Jenny Slatman
18 minutes to read

Zowel psychologisering als neurologisering gaan beide uit van een zeer mager begrip van lichamelijkheid. Jenny Slatman pleit voor een ruimere opvatting van lichamelijkheid die ook toegepast kan worden binnen medische praktijken.

Diggit Magazine wins Teaching Innovation Award 2017: Interview with Ico Maly

The Editors
2 minutes to read

Yesterday, during the Education Bazaar at Tilburg University, Ico Maly received the annual award for Best Teaching Innovation for his work on Diggit. We caught an overjoyed Maly and were able to ask him some questions.

Pleasure Studies? University as creative and thinking space

Odile Heynders
4 minutes to read

According to Pieter Duisenberg 'pleasure studies' should be something of the past. The future is in technical studies. But is job perspective the main argument for spending 4 years of your life at university? Odile Heynders does not agree.