online activism

A young woman with a sign at the Cincinnati #BlackLivesMatter public demonstration protest.

Black Lives Matter: Protesting in the hybrid media system

Rebecca de Jongh
13 minutes to read

This paper analyses how the hybrid media system benefited BLM-protesters in summer 2020 following the death of George Floyd. People worldwide joined together to show their support for the cause, utilising social media to stay in touch.

genesis butler animal rights activism farm sanctuary

Genesis Butler’s Online and Offline Animal Rights Activist Movement

Luiza Dubicka
12 minutes to read

Genesis Butler, a young animal rights activist, uses her digital skills to bring about change in the offline world. But what is the relation between online and offline activism? And is it really slacktivism?

yellow veste, france, tawain, revolt,

Yellow Vests from France to Taiwan: A globalized icon of resistance

Lisa van Turnhout
11 minutes to read

The article discusses how the yellow Hi-Viz vests used by French activists became a global icon of resistance for different, local causes around the world, and how the internet has been the force that propelled this idea forward.

Brexit and its consequences


In this file we look at the Brexit from different perspectives. From political online activism, the framing of the voters and the opinions of writers before the Brexit to the linguicide afterwards. 

Brexit and online political activism

Isabell Wutz
19 minutes to read

Isabell Wutz and Lisanne Nugteren (Tilburg University) argue that in the context of the Brexit. that vox populism, slacktivism and online intertextuality have an adverse effect to the representativeness of the public debate.