
The Risks of Civil Disobedience Influenced by Online Culture

Academic paper
Bas Keemink
17 minutes to read

On the basis of Ernesto Laclau's theory of political movements and current societal changes, this paper demonstrates that actions of civil disobedience in modern society that adhere to Arendt's criteria still have unfavorable effects.

Conspiracy theories, Capitol riot, fiction,

The Capitol Riots: Democracy, Post-truth and Fiction

Odile Heynders
7 minutes to read

In light of the Capitol riots, Odile Heynders claims that we have to reflect on fiction and its development in time, in order to understand how the concept is used and functions in today’s society. 

Het jaar van de informatiecrisis

Jan Blommaert
13 minutes to read

Wat we hebben gezien in 2016 is het einde van het geloof in feiten, of beter, van een model waarvan we aannamen dat het feiten verstrekte en ons toeliet de waarheid van de leugen te onderscheiden.