science fiction

Blade Runner 2049 shot

Experiencing the Sublime in Blade Runner 2049

Marijn van Engelen
13 minutes to read

What is the sublime? And how can it be experienced when watching a science fiction film? This paper analyses how the film Blade Runner 2049 evokes feelings of sublimity. 

Orphan Black

Welcome to the Clone Club of Orphan Black (Graeme Manson and John Fawcett )

Amber van As
5 minutes to read

The science fiction series Orphan Black is all about human cloning and its consequences, which is still a controversial topic in science. This article provides a review of the impressive and informative series. 

Why does everyone in Star Wars speak English?

Philip Seargeant
8 minutes to read

The representation of Galactic Basic by English reflects the rise of English as a global language – and in doing so paints a very different picture from the utopian ideals of other universal language advocates.