
Rupi Kaur menstruation

Code red: Rupi Kaur’s menstrual activism that invited online trolls

Jessaline Tanjung
12 minutes to read

This article breaks down Rupi Kaur's online menstrual activism. We see how menstrual activism evolved into online activism and discuss whether the negative comments and trolling Kaur experienced are inevitable consequences of activism.

Ken M and wholesome trolling

Iris Dumoulin
10 minutes to read

Internet trolling: insults, off-topic comments, and weird jokes are something that we should avoid as much as possible. But is there a positive side to trolling? Ken M seems to be the perfect wholesome online troll.

In the second episode of Babylon's Burning, we talk with Chrissy Cook (Tilburg University) on her research on trolls and trolling. Chrissy has spent the last four years of her life dedicated to studying this phenomenon.

Eating disorder sufferers on Twitter

Tara van Dijk
12 minutes to read

There is a social dimension to people suffering from an eating disorder. On platforms such like Twitter they form a social group. How is it to be a member of this community?