BookTube is a community on YouTube that focuses primarily on creating content, specifically videos, around the subject of literature and book-related subjects.
Mediatization can be described as the dependency between media communication and sociocultural change, in which the media are becoming increasingly powerful (Hepp, 2013).
The online-offline nexus is a description of social reality in the post-digital age. We live our social lives increasingly at the intersection of online and offline forces.
Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.
Imagine one of the most shareable clips you’ve ever seen … and now imagine seeing it only once. That's exactly what happened to many of the people who watched Apple's "1984" television commercial during the Super Bowl. In this article, Julian Hanna reflects on the event.
Apple's 1984 ad promised digital liberation, but today's reality reveals pervasive surveillance and a techno-feudalism. The utopian dream has transformed into a dystopian era of mind control and exploitation by digital platforms.
Personalized content and algorithms are taking over the online world, tailoring content to our interests. However, this may be harming our offline relationships.
This article explores the extent to which social relationships with AI chatbots are possible while using Replika as a case study. This research argues that post-digital society’s view on relationships has altered due to AI interactions.
This study delves into employees' perceptions of biometric data usage in the workplace, focusing on the implications for privacy, surveillance, and the evolving landscape of modern employment practices.
This article discusses the culture and politics of the controversial spyware Pegasus. Using a framework of privatization, digitization and transnationalization, this article contextualizes how surveillance has evolved into a global infrastructure.
Gorillaz, formed in 1998, revolutionizes music with a transmedial universe. Animated characters and multimedia platforms create a groundbreaking, immersive experience, blurring the lines between reality and fiction.