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Economy of virality

The economy of virality grounds in the commercialization of our society. The content is not sold anymore, but our attention is (which has to be quantified in clicks, likes, etc.)! 
anti-China discourse, anti-Chinese tech discourse

Anti-Chinese tech discourse


Chinese tech has become a prominent topic in political discourse. From TikTok to Huawei, Chinese tech is increasingly framed in terms of 'surveillance', 'national security threats' and economic warfare. Learn more about them in our brand new file! 


Reddit's GameStop rush (doesn't) change(s) the stock market

Nataliia Vdovychenko
7 minutes to read

GameStop has shaken the stock market with the help of Reddit users, or at least that is wat the news suggests. What is certain is that for the first time in history, the news about stocks is talking about the 'online community' rather than the wolves of Wall Street. How did this shift happen, and what are the long-term consequences? 

Salmon sushi is not a Japanese invention?!

Wesly Ye
12 minutes to read

Salmon sushi was not a Japanese, but a Norwegian invention. Before calling it one of their favorite sushi toppings, the Japanese had to have salmon sushi introduced to them by Norwegian businessmen motivated by hard globalization imperatives.