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Ecofeminism, as a theoretical framework, delves into the intricate web of oppression, examining the linkages between the subjugation of marginalized communities and the exploitation of the natural world (Warren, 2000). At its core, this perspective underscores the interdependence of various forms of injustice, weaving together the threads that connect the mistreatment of nature, women, animals, and the environment (Gaard, 2009).

Agency in Children's Literature

Agency in children's literature refers to the empowerment and independence of children's characters. It involves portraying children as active participants in their own lives, capable of making choices, influencing their surroundings, and shaping their destinies.

"We only speak Dutch at school"

Tessa Peters
11 minutes to read

The use of home languages is not allowed in many schools in the Netherlands although a multilingual approach seems promising. This paper presents strategies that can be used as guidelines for dealing with multilingualism in the classroom.

Mariam Durrani | Appadurai | Kristof Verfaille | 

Diggit Profiles


In the Diggit Profiles, we engage in a conversation with junior and senior scholars whose work reflects and speaks to the issues we like to highlight on Diggit Magazine. We interview scholars from all over the world, inquiring into the issues they address in their work, the social relevance of their work, its public character and impact. The result is a series of interviews in which interviewees get ample space and time to talk about what is fundamental for them, and for us.

Culture Wars

The return of the Culture Wars

Ana Deumert
7 minutes to read

In this column Ana Deumert reflects on the return of the cultures wars at universities and in popular culture. She suggests that the culture wars were not just a phenomenon of the 1980s and 1990s, but that they are continuing. 

Why do students partake in bilingual education?

Michael Vu
13 minutes to read

While bilingual education in the Netherlands has been a self-declared success story, this article examines why both students and teachers want to be in it. 

fingerprint scanning

Why biometric data is not safe anymore

Nataliia Vdovychenko
7 minutes to read

Biometric data plays a huge role in our everyday lives. We use it to unlock our phones, for bank payments, memberships and travelling. But do we ever think about risks connected to our biometric privacy?

Freedom Writers: A Story of a Mini Holocaust (Richard LaGravenese)

Mariosé Bergsteijn
5 minutes to read

"How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them". A review on problems of poverty and ethnic diversity in the classroom.