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Online-offline nexus

The online-offline nexus is a description of social reality in the post-digital age. We live our social lives increasingly at the intersection of online and offline forces.


Orientalism refers to a long tradition of Western representations of the Orient as exotic and 'non-coeval' with the West.

Linguistic landscape

Linguistic landscape is an object of sociolinguistic analysis and comprises publicly visible language samples displayed in a certain area.


Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.


Globalization refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness between different parts of the world, creating global modes of organization and conduct. 

Friends: From progressive for its time to failing to age well

Daisy van Belzen
13 minutes to read

Does a show from the 90s have a place in our current culture, or has it become too culturally outdated? This study aims to show how a contemporary audience deals with an older cultural expression.

The Risks of Civil Disobedience Influenced by Online Culture

Academic paper
Bas Keemink
17 minutes to read

On the basis of Ernesto Laclau's theory of political movements and current societal changes, this paper demonstrates that actions of civil disobedience in modern society that adhere to Arendt's criteria still have unfavorable effects.

Five of the main characters of Skam walking, with yellow text saying SKAM in front of them.

The lived experience of teenagers in Norway and beyond in Skam (Julie Andem)

Marieke Weeda
7 minutes to read

This review explains how greatly the Norwegian show SKAM deals with themes of identity in both globally universal and locally specific ways.

Diversity and representation in TV and movies and why it matters

Florentine Bakkenes
10 minutes to read

This paper explores the positive and negative effects of representation that we see in TV programs or movies and discusses Encanto and Emily in Paris as examples that do it right and wrong. 

Fortnite characters

Convergence culture in the video game industry

Szymon Zbiegniewski
10 minutes to read

The NorCal and SCal culture industries are converging on multiple levels, and one of them is the video game industry. This paper explores how Fortnite revolutionized the way we perceive games.

The Beatles and Globalization in the Sixties

Mariska van Schijndel
28 minutes to read

This paper discusses how The Beatles contributed greatly to changes in global youth culture worldwide in the 1960's. 

When Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron wrote The Californian Ideology over 25 years ago, people believed the whole world would soon resemble the United States. Today, the situation appears much different. China appears to be the most futuristic country in the world and the United States, together with its  monopolistic tech companies, might represent a past we'd want to leave behind sooner rather than later.