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Online-offline nexus

The online-offline nexus is a description of social reality in the post-digital age. We live our social lives increasingly at the intersection of online and offline forces.


Orientalism refers to a long tradition of Western representations of the Orient as exotic and 'non-coeval' with the West.

Linguistic landscape

Linguistic landscape is an object of sociolinguistic analysis and comprises publicly visible language samples displayed in a certain area.


Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.


Globalization refers to the process of increasing interconnectedness between different parts of the world, creating global modes of organization and conduct. 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortéz in her TAX THE RICH dress at the Met Gala 2021

TAX THE RICH: mainstreaming in political discourses online

Ruben den Boer
13 minutes to read

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s TAX THE RICH dress was a treat for political meme creators around the world. But the memes did more than just give us a chuckle. They made us talk about American politics, socialism, and anti-capitalism. How? 

The Migrant Identity: The Role of Art and Media in Identity Formation

Rebecca de Jongh
31 minutes to read

Migration is one of the most important issues in our society, the migrant identity can be approached from many different angles. We will focus on the use of the migrant identity in art in relation to the image as portrayed in the media.

Eurobeat and Para Para Dance: An Italian-Japanese Relationship

Nathaly Yumi da Silva
10 minutes to read

This paper presents, from a cultural perspective of globalization, the case study of the relationship between Eurobeat music genre, originated from Italy, and Para Para, a dance style from Japan.

Fansubbers in China: A “Promethean community” in a gray zone

Chen Li
15 minutes to read

The community of fansubbers in China induces both admiration and criticism from the public. This article explores the identity-making and controversies induced by fansubbers in today's globalization and digital world.

Banksy, street art and globalization

Sophie Hines
9 minutes to read

Banksy is one of the most famous street artists in the world. This article examines the influence of globalization on the subject matter of Banksy's works, as well as on the extent of his success.

Localising Japanese Games for a Global Market: a review of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Juliette Berndsen
9 minutes to read

The article explores cultural interpretations and substitutions which were achieved with localisation of settings, characters and other cultural references in the Western re-release of Japanese Nintendo game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

Chinese restaurant storefront

How Semiotic Signs Can Be Both Helpful and Misleading

Jenny de Kleijn
10 minutes to read

This article presents a linguistic landscape analysis of two stores in the Netherlands to see if semiotic signs always reach the goal they were originally intended for.