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Memes are “a group of digital items sharing common characteristics of content, form; created with awareness of each other; circulated, imitated and transformed via the internet by many” (Phillips, 2016).


The spreading of digital content, such as images, videos, or links, in a short period of time through online media such as Social Networking Sites (SNSs) and electronic mail,  shared by a large number of people.

"[CLICK HERE]": how mobile game commercials use Facebook's algorithm

Szymon Zbiegniewski
9 minutes to read

Mobile game commercials abuse Facebook's algorithm to increase the number of players. How do these commercials make use of various mechanics to reach this goal?

Using Memes for the Greater Good: A Tale of LGBTQIA+

Ege Okant
12 minutes to read

This article takes a look at two internet memes, expressing LGBTQAI+ content. Through linguistic landscaping, the three arrows of the memes will be analyzed, to showcase the in-depth meaning, a humorous yet specified meme has.

‘5G users be like’: (In)visibility as evidence in 5G conspiracy memes

Mijke Akkermans
16 minutes to read

For several years, conspiracy theorists have promoted the idea that 5G waves are harmful for one's health, now even relating this to the coronavirus. This paper explores how memes are used to define (in)visibility as evidence within this theory.

covid-19 memes, coronavirus, memes

Coronavirus memes: Laughing the apocalypse away

Jana Nuiten
10 minutes to read

As the coronavirus pandemic has taken hold, coronavirus memes have emerged. In memes, people find an outlet for being humorous and coping with the harsh circumstances they are living in at the moment.

An Instagram feed shows an alert about coronavirus, followed by a post that reads "we will feel alive again"

Memeing under Covid-19: On the phatic internet and collectivity

Lucie Chateau
16 minutes to read

This article looks at how our online communication practices have changed under the Covid-19 crisis. It looks at collective memeing, text chains and Boomer Images to reflect on what connections are being made in these extraordinary times.

Coronavirus, virus, covid-19

Coronavirus and digital culture


The coronavirus has devastating effects around the world: it has stopped or at least seriously diminished offline social life. At the same time, the coronavirus produces enormous social activity online.