
Micro-population is a concept introduced by Maly and Varis (2015) to make sense of group construction and identity formation in times of digitalization and (neoliberal) globalization. According to them, micro-populations are polycentric, layered and transnational groups. 

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Subcultures consist of people who participate in a lifestyle that is typically regarded as deviant in dominant society. Engagement in such deviant activities usher people to find other like-minded individuals and interact with them in order to build a culture. This helps in the development of perspectives about oneself with relation to others in society (Becker 1963).


Identity refers to various aspects of how we see ourselves, how we show ourselves to others, and how we perceive others.


Enoughness is a theory of contemporary identity that states that identities are constructed out of a particular portion ("enough") of emblematic identity features.


Micro-populations are the material expression of temporary and emerging micro-hegemonies. They group people together by their ‘style’, by the places where they hang out and the places where you can’t find them.
K-pop, K-pop fandom, Twitter

The K-Pop Fandom on Twitter

Lola Vos
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K-Pop fans can now be found all over the world. Due to the mass organized fan actions, traditions, and complicated language, the K-Pop fandom sets itself apart from other fandoms. In this article I look at K-Pop fans on Twitter as a cultural niche.

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Lifting: a weapon against capitalism or boredom?

Lea Goeron
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The lifting community on Tumblr keeps growing and growing. Calling themselves lifters, they take over a controversial niche on the quirky and queer website. They're bragging about stolen goods online, gain followers, likes and reshares.

Understanding fashion instagram influencers as a social group

Sanne Graumans
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In this article, I will describe how fashion Instagram influencers are a social group, how they make certain things mainstream and how they use Instagram as their platform to do this

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Body positivity online

Jelske van Es
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Body positivity is an online movement with an increasing amount of supporters. These body positivists used social media to spread their 'body positive' message. How do people respond to body positivity? And how can we recognize body positivity?

Metalheads: fighting the stereotypes

k.raaijmakers@uvt.nl Raaijmakers
16 minutes to read

Do you really need to have dirty long hair, black clothes, band T-shirts and be covered in tattoos and piercings to classify as a metalhead? This paper portrays the micro-population of metalheads and how it deals with its many stereotypes. 

The impact of Instagram influencers

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On Instagram, influencers make a lot of money by promoting brands or products in their posts. How does an influencer stand out and gain a big following in the still-increasing amount of influencers on Instagram? 

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Superdiversity within the Swifties

Sam van Alebeek
10 minutes to read

The fandom of Taylor Swift consists of people from places all over the world. However, they do wear the same merchandise and interact with each other on online platforms, so in what way exactly are Swifties superdiverse?