This article analyzes the Mexican show La Rosa de Guadalupe utilizing a Values Sensitive Design Approach to examine how this show incorporates specific values and the potential ethical ramifications thereof.
Kritische analyse van het woord respect in de recent (2021) gewijzigde wetgeving over burgerschap in het funderend onderwijs. Tevens bied ik een alternatief voor de huidige formulering van de wet aan de hand van het begrip tolerantie.
In this paper, we intend to find out if the hipster subculture is inspired by the Amish subculture. We will investigate this by analyzing two typical cultural features: appearance (fashion) and food.
In this article, the pro-life movement in the United States will be discussed. Pro-life is anti-abortion and for (protecting) life. Pro-lifers see abortion as immoral as it kills the innocent life inside the womb.
In 2005, Bobby Henderson announced the existence of an, until then, unknown phenomenon: the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Is it just satire, or a true religion?
The flat Earth belief is pseudoscientific, yet the Internet offers a variety of different arguments on why the official round Earth narrative should be reconsidered.
LGBTQ+ people in Poland face increasing discrimination. To an outsider, this might seem unrelated to Polish nationalism. However, for many who do identify with Polish nationalism, the two go hand in hand.
The negative public response to Colin Kaepernick taking a knee can be explained through America's passive sense of civil religion. However, his act should not be shoved aside as disrespectful, but as an act of 'tough love' patriotism.