
death rituals, death mentalities, death

Death Mentalities in the 21st Century

Martin Hoondert
1 minute to read

Death is part of the human condition. Through time, people have tried to cope with death through rituals and arts and each age seems to have a dominant attitude towards death - the so-called death mentalities. 

Martin Garrix in Paradiso Amsterdam

Reusing Churches in the Netherlands

Nataliia Vdovychenko
14 minutes to read

Churches close down because of the small number of parishioners and this tendency is an important marker for the position of religion in Western Europe. What happens when churches do not attract the same numbers of believers anymore?

The truth behind Anonymous for the Voiceless

Seline Westerhof
12 minutes to read

Anonymous for the Voiceless seems to know how to rapidly spread their message around the world, and get many people to listen to their activism.  But how do they do that? 

Side of the church of the Holy Heart in Tilburg

Deconstructing Tilburg: the Heilig Hartkerk

Academic paper
Inge Beekmans
25 minutes to read

The Heilig Hartkerk was intentionally demolished by the inhabitants of the city. A decision many people now regret. Was it a flurry of bewilderment? Or did something more deliberate, and possibly even malicious, happen?

Is muziek de nieuwe religie?

Martin Hoondert
3 minutes to read

Martin Hoondert stelt zich de vraag of muziek de 'nieuwe religie' is? Hedendaagse componisten schuwen het gebruik van religie in hun muziek niet, zo blijkt uit onder meer de programmering van November Music, het festival voor nieuwe muziek. 

Flag Moment at Ultra Miami

Music tourism

Kasia Zaleska
11 minutes to read

Among the new tourism trends that have been caused by globalization is music tourism. Nowadays, people will travel great distances to see their favorite artist or to escape their daily life. What motivates these festivalgoers?