
The (in)visible Poetry Museum in Amsterdam

Chiara Palsgraaf
17 minutes to read

The Poetry Museum raises consciousness on the role of AR, art and the museum in the public sphere. It shows that online media has the ability to influence the public sphere but is inevitably linked to the offline culture to establish changes.


Het Trapveldje: Vacant space in the densely built environment

Marjoca de Greef
16 minutes to read

Het Trapveldje was a space for wild play and ‘marginal’ activities, where locals came to play, linger, talk and watch. This indistinct, scruffy field was also a stage for an unyielding battle between locals and the municipality of Amsterdam.

smart cities

Smart cities and the imagined objectivity of data

Sammy Kossen
10 minutes to read

Smart Cities are not only about optimizing people's lives, but also lead to new forms of surveillance and directing people towards normative behavior. Big brother is watching you.

tilburg, onderzoek, tilburg university



Diggit Magazine is connected to the University of Tilburg and many of our authors have studied at this University. In the context of courses and research programs, and for many of them Tilburg became a research field. In this file, we collect all research, reflection and blogs on Tilburg.

Miah Moos

How a college student lives a zero waste lifestyle

Nataliia Vdovychenko
14 minutes to read

What does it actually take to live a mindful life with zero waste? Is it possible to survive the struggle of reorganizing your life habits if you are still a student? And how expensive it is to do good for the environment? 

The Pearl River Delta: a region of copycats or a center of innovation?

Lennart Menger
18 minutes to read

The Pearl River Delta, an economic miracle that is still struggling with a negative 'copycat' imago. Lennart Menger, a student from Tilburg University, argues to what extent the region has managed it to transform into a center of innovation.

It's a match: Tinder and Tourism

Lieke van der Wielen
8 minutes to read

Tinder Tourism is influencing the way we experience travel, but the way we travel is also changing Tinder