cork board with pieces of paper connected with red string, one piece has the TikTok logo on it

How Dutch conspiracy media include TikTok in their grand conspiracy theories

Ruben den Boer
31 minutes to read

TikTok has been widely discussed and criticized in mainstream media. But the app has also been hotly debated in conspiracy media. How do they employ TikTok controversies to perpetuate their grand conspiratorial narratives?

The governmental fight and the concept of privacy

Nikki Bergmans
16 minutes to read

This paper analyzes the concept of privacy and the arguments of the opponents and proponents of the Proposal for regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. 

How Andrew Tate uses media literacy to gain online influence

How Andrew Tate gains influence through his media literacy

Femke van Bree
19 minutes to read

Despite getting banned several times on a wide variety of online platforms, Andrew Tate continues to gain influence online. This article analyses Andrew Tate’s online presence, to show how he deploys his media literacy to spread his ideas.

Behind the Curtain: “1984”’s Aesthetics of Immediacy

Inge van de Ven
12 minutes to read

The TV ad “1984” introducing Apple's Macintosh PC has many intertexts—from the aesthetics of fascism to Plato to The Truman Show. This article discusses the video’s ‘aesthetics of immediacy.’

How Andy Warhol anticipated acid house rave culture!

Wessel Joosten
12 minutes to read

This paper will explore and analyze how Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable Now has anticipated and influenced Acid House Raves, in particular the ones at the nightclub called Shoom in London. 

A couple's flipflops laying on the beach with a love heart drawn in the sand

“He’s a 10 But…” Discussing Relationship Discourse Online

Clara Daniels
10 minutes to read

This article shows how easily consumable trends such as “He’s a 10 but…” contribute to building dating discourse around an unachievable ideal and actively invite the audience to judge the statements made by the women involved in these interviews.

It always starts with a lighthouse

How BioShock makes you forget you’re playing a game (2K Games)

Rebecca de Jongh
6 minutes to read

BioShock's narrative and clever game design fully immerse you into its story. You forget you are playing a game until suddenly the game makes you painfully aware you were never truly in control...

A.I. Music and Identity Shaping: Soulless Computer Music Versus Soulful Human Music

Wessel Joosten
17 minutes to read

Artificial Intelligence in the music industry has been growing in public discourse. Can A.I. music get on par with traditional music and shape similar social identities? 

Jumbo's controversial World Cup commercial

The power of social media in news coverage: Jumbo’s World Cup commercial

Femke van Bree
13 minutes to read

Jumbo's controversial 2022 World Cup commercial completely missed the mark. This case study analyses how the Jumbo’s commercial was picked up in the news, both on social media and in traditional venues, and how it snowballed.

The Handmaid's Tale: Transmedia storytelling and Activism

Iva Konstantinova
10 minutes to read

The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian text that underscores women's activism, bearing its transmedia potential. This article, therefore, examines how its thematic focus transcends other media toward political advancement for women.

Risk society

Risking Your Future: Why Commercial Genetic Testing Is Disempowering

Martijn Logtenberg
9 minutes to read

Genetic testing companies, such as 23andMe, commercialise the neoliberal idea of personal responsibility for individuals' health through information on disease risks. This article exposes the underlying assumptions of this claim on risk society.