
APESHIT: The Carters versus Globalization and Art

Jaimy Pijpers
10 minutes to read

An analysis of the music video of APESHIT by the Carters. The music video criticizes the Western monopolization of Art. This paper analyses the music video through the perspective of McDonaldization, Colonialism, Art history, and World Art.

Maptivism: how Strava affords identity work

Ruben den Boer
6 minutes to read

Self-tracking can be used for identity work. In this essay, I explore how a self-tracking app I use - Strava - affords identity work through slacktivist discourse affordances.

How Andrew Tate uses media literacy to gain online influence

How Andrew Tate gains influence through his media literacy

Femke van Bree
19 minutes to read

Despite getting banned several times on a wide variety of online platforms, Andrew Tate continues to gain influence online. This article analyses Andrew Tate’s online presence, to show how he deploys his media literacy to spread his ideas.

Major tech corporations rule their regions of the internet through their codes, and perform as judges over their digital subjects. These corporations, however, are not bound by the same constitutional principles as states, nor are they obliged to take into accounts human rights.

Truth Social in the Apple App Store on an iPhone

The truth on Truth Social

Hannah Meijaard
16 minutes to read

A discourse analysis on the platform "Truth Social", created by former US president Donald J. Trump.

Brabantish at Huis ter Heide

Being one of them: Participating in an online community while researching cultural heritage

Jos Swanenberg
9 minutes to read

How can researchers use social media to empower speakers of local dialects? In this article, Jos Swanenberg explains how Facebook and Instagram helped him to collect data on language variation, while simultaneously connecting with members of the community and handing back the accumulated knowledge.

How Marianne Williamson rises without mass media attention

Thu Pham
16 minutes to read

Marianne Williamson is running for the 2024 U.S. presidential elections against all odds. In this article, we look at how she uses social media to gain attention and get her message across to voters in a hybrid media system.

FRIENDS: The One With the Parasocial Relationships

Marijn van Engelen
12 minutes to read

How can the six Friends feel like our real friends? This article discusses how various elements of the hit TV show contribute to forming parasocial relationships with the fictional characters, evoking a sense of intimacy.


GOLDEN vs. IWASAKI: Perspectives about Geishas

Nathaly Yumi da Silva
21 minutes to read

Golden and Iwasaki have totally different concepts about geishas. The conflict between them is clear: while Golden casts them as prostitutes, Iwasaki reveals them as artists. This article explores these perspectives.