
Factsheet Danielle D'Souza Gill

Fact sheet: Danielle D'Souza Gill

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
8 minutes to read

Danielle D'Souza Gill is a famous far-right influencer. Her entire family appears to be part of an effort to spread right-wing ideas. Before you read our three articles concerning her, get some background information on her through this factsheet.

Eating disorder sufferers on Twitter

Tara van Dijk
12 minutes to read

There is a social dimension to people suffering from an eating disorder. On platforms such like Twitter they form a social group. How is it to be a member of this community? 

ASMRtists and the online ASMR -communities

Hanna ten Harmsen van der Beek
11 minutes to read

In this article, the behavior and norms within the micro-population of ASMR lovers will be analyzed. What do you need to know and what way do you need to act to become one of them?

‘Why not a zebra crossing?’, Breda (28-02-2017 , © M. van Gorp)

Who is dangerous?

Meauraine van Gorp
15 minutes to read

Participating in traffic situations requires knowing the norms and trusting others knowing the same norms. This paper, using linguistic landscape analysis, analyzes the underlying structures of a fake zebra crossing.

Make-up lovers in the online world

Nadadja Binder
25 minutes to read

This paper analyzes the online behaviour of make-up lovers. It is a new, heterogenic, polycentric and multilayered micro-population in which people share a passion for this consumer product. What are the norms and how can one become a master?

Being a teacher

Paper School
14 minutes to read

This paper analyzes personal  identity changes.The casestudy shows how social norms, 'enoughness' and privacy influence identity.