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BookTube is a community on YouTube that focuses primarily on creating content, specifically videos, around the subject of literature and book-related subjects.


Mediatization can be described as the dependency between media communication and sociocultural change, in which the media are becoming increasingly powerful (Hepp, 2013).


A podcast is an episodic audio program or digital file series that can be downloaded on a personal mobile device or computer.

Data void

Data voids are engine queries that turn up little to no results.

Online-offline nexus

The online-offline nexus is a description of social reality in the post-digital age. We live our social lives increasingly at the intersection of online and offline forces.

Data double

A data double is a data-generated profile of an individual based on aggregated online surveillance.


Superdiversity (also written as super-diversity) refers to two major changes occurring across the world after the end of the Cold War: (a) new patterns of migration causing demographc changes, and (b) the emerging internet and its generalized spread, influencing all aspects of social, cultural and economic life.

Major tech corporations rule their regions of the internet through their codes, and perform as judges over their digital subjects. These corporations, however, are not bound by the same constitutional principles as states, nor are they obliged to take into accounts human rights.

The Silicon and the Scalpel: Wearable Wellness

Maartje Verschuuren

Welcome to the podcast The Silicon and the Scalpel. This episode dives into Wearable Wellness with special guest Vanessa van der Vlugt. We talk about changes within the use of smartwatches for health implementations and what has changed.

Platform Affordances and Foreign Policy

Nikki Bergmans
13 minutes to read

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

RoboCare Chronicles, a Digital Futures Podcast

Dina Bousbaa

In this exciting episode of Robo Care Chronicles, we go into beneath the heart of Elderly Care in the technologically evolved world of 2045.

The Rosetta Network - Imagined by Milo Miranda

Milo Miranda

Exploring Rosetta's innovative potential for personal development and artistic expression, bridging human potential and technology in the speculative landscape of 2045.

Freedom is slavery: Apple’s 1984 Ad Forty Years On

Julian Hanna
8 minutes to read

Imagine one of the most shareable clips you’ve ever seen … and now imagine seeing it only once. That's exactly what happened to many of the people who watched Apple's "1984" television commercial during the Super Bowl. In this article, Julian Hanna reflects on the event.

apple 1984, ad, digital utopianism, hyper-opticon, panopticon

Apple’s 1984 ad: from digital utopianism to hyper-opticon

Ico Maly
20 minutes to read

Apple's 1984 ad promised digital liberation, but today's reality reveals pervasive surveillance and a techno-feudalism. The utopian dream has transformed into a dystopian era of mind control and exploitation by digital platforms.