Platform Affordances and Foreign Policy

Nikki Bergmans
13 minutes to read

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

This article compares and contrasts Twitter and Facebook discourse, looks at how social media influences foreign policy conversations and considers the influence of platform affordances.
- a thesis extract

Official art depicting "Omega" from Final Fantasy XIV

To cheat or not to cheat? Discourses of fear and assumption in the FFXIV Community

Hannah Meijaard
18 minutes to read

This research is about norm negotiating surrounding the cheating scandal of the first clear of the Ultimate Raid “The Omega Protocol” in the gaming community of Final Fantasy XIV: Online on Reddit.

cork board with pieces of paper connected with red string, one piece has the TikTok logo on it

How Dutch conspiracy media include TikTok in their grand conspiracy theories

Ruben den Boer
31 minutes to read

TikTok has been widely discussed and criticized in mainstream media. But the app has also been hotly debated in conspiracy media. How do they employ TikTok controversies to perpetuate their grand conspiratorial narratives?