Editorial Statute



Art. 1.

Diggit Magazine (ISSN: 2589-6741) is published by the department of Culture Studies of Tilburg University

Art. 2.

a. The publisher respects and guarantees the editorial independence of Diggit Magazine as described in the Principe of Editorial Independence

b. The editorial council (see chapter iii) overlooks the editorial independence of the editorial board.

The editorial team

Art. 3.

Diggit Magazine has an editorial team consisting of DCU members who teach in the BA Online Culture and the MA programs in Culture Studies.

Art. 4.

The editorial team guarantees a first quality check: content and form are checked before submitting it to the editorial board.

Art. 5.

The editorial team can grade and give suggestions to the editorial board on publishability.

The editorial Board

Art. 6.

The editorial board of Diggit Magazine consist out of at least 5 DCU members. The composition of the editorial board is decided upon at the start of each academic year.

Art. 7.

Diggit Magazine has an editor-in-chief who leads the editorial board; every three years there is the possibility of electing a new editor-in-chief from the editorial board.

Art. 8.

The editorial board determines what it publishes on Diggit Magazine and does this without external  influence.  It uses the following criteria:

  1. Academic and journalistic quality
  2. The identity of the department of Culture Studies and the concept of Diggit Magazine
  3. Societal relevance and democratic impact
  4. The following has no place on diggit magazine:
  • Forms of racism, sexism, homophobia , transphobia and discrimination in general.
  • Vox populism, hate speech and calls for non-democratic action.
  • Anti-human rights and anti-democracy discourses

Art. 9.

At least one lecturer, one editor and the editor-in-chief should agree on publication of a submission. When there is no consensus,  the submission will be discussed by the whole editorial board. If the board does not reach a consensus, the editorial council can be contacted.

Art. 10.

Individuals or institutions who feel that they are unjustly treated in one of the publications on Diggit Magazine, can apply to have a reaction published. The editorial board will decide if they see the reaction as publishable. If the editorial board and the complainant do not reach a sufficient agreement, the editorial council will be asked to intervene.  

The editorial council

Art. 11.

The editorial council is an independent body. It is set up in order to

  • Deal with complaints about the content published on Diggit Magazine that could not be resolved by the editorial board.
  • Deal with conflicts between the different stakeholders of Diggit Magazine
  • Guarantee the editorial independence of the editorial board of Diggit Magazine.
  • Give advice on submissions when the editorial board is in doubt or conflict

Art. 12.

The editorial council has (internal and external) members. The current editorial council consists out: Ernst Hirsch Ballin (Tilburg University), Theresa Lillis (Open University), Alexandra Georgakopoulou (King's College London) and Todd Wolfson (Rutgers university). 

Art. 13.

The editorial council is consulted by the editor-in-chief in case of complaints that cannot be solved by the editor-in-chief representing the editorial team.