
Trump Wall

Trumpian governance and the art of separation

Paul Mutsaers
2 minutes to read

US President Donald Trump epitomizes the rise of illiberalism in liberal democracies, as he breaks through liberalism’s protecting walls that keep social spheres apart for the preservation of spheres of liberty and justice.  


Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (Cathy O'Neil)

Piia Varis
4 minutes to read

Weapons of Math Destruction (2016) by Cathy O'Neil makes a very compelling case for people to start asking more questions and demand more transparency regarding algorithmic models that are being used to regulate so many aspects of their lives. 

Writing to be read – the opinion article

Ico Maly
8 minutes to read

Ico Maly argues that the op-ed - if one uses it well - is a tool that intellectuals can use to take up their democratic role. 11 tips for the intellectual op-ed. 

25 years of right wing extremism in Belgium

Jan Blommaert
9 minutes to read

The Brexit, followed by election of Donald Trump in the US , have raised worldwide concerns about the rise of right wing extremism. The phenomenon is, however, 25 years old in Belgium. Lessons can be drawn from that longitudinal experience.

There are no shortcuts to become a police officer

Lola Valles
7 minutes to read

Lola Valles argues that govermenments should not take shortcuts to recruit and educate new police officers as an answer to security threats because the strategic position of police in society.

Discriminatory treatment of religious minorities in Indonesia

Max Regus
10 minutes to read

This article will discuss the status of religious minority groups in Indonesia. Its main focus is the discrimination these minorities still face on a daily basis. 

Beyond ISDS

Jan Blommaert
3 minutes to read

The crisis of the ISDS system can lead to something better: a real international economic court of justice

Academic publishing and money

Jan Blommaert
4 minutes to read

We usually forget the real production price of academic work in Open Access discussions.