female armpit hair

female armpit hair, normativity, foucault, body politics, discrimination,

Gabriela de la Vega on Female Armpit Hair - Babylon is Burning

The Editors

Visible Female armpit hair stirs emotions and feeds online hypes and debates.  Gabriela de la Vega started her research into female armpit hair by questioning the normality of 'shaving body hair' as a woman. 

body hair armpit feminism female public social media

There is no such thing as a detail when it comes to female body hair

Gabriela de la Vega
3 minutes to read

Female armpit hair is a hotly debated subject on social media; Miley Cyrus, Paris Jackson, and Lourdes Maria, Madonna’s daughter, have posted pictures or appeared in public with their underarm hair on display. What's the fuzz about?