Forum voor democratie

Thierry Baudet, Forum voor democracy, forum for democracy, radical right, CARR

An Insight into Forum for Democracy ’s WhatsApp groups

Ico Maly
7 minutes to read

Forum for Democracy's (FvD) Thierry Baudet claims that mass media deliberately paints his right-wing party in the Netherlands in a negative way. An analysis of youth Whatsapp groups shows a different reality.   

forum voor democratie, thierry baudet

Thierry Baudet and Forum for Democracy


Who are Thierry Baudet and Theo Hiddema? How can we understand Forum voor Democratie and what is their ideology? You can read all about them in our file. 

The online world of Thierry Baudet and Forum voor Democratie

Miah Ke-leigh
16 minutes to read

A paper focusing on the online world of Forum Voor Democratie, a right wing Dutch political party, and its leader Thierry Baudet. What do their online activities tell us about the party's goals?