hybrid media system

Fake news, hybrid media, politics and democracy

Defining fake news in a hybrid media system

Judith Evens
12 minutes to read

This article unravels various definitions of fake news and situates it within a context of hybrid media, politics and democracy. Fake news can be overwhelming. I aim to bring a little bit of order into the chaotic world of fake news.

VVD, Tiktok, political parties on tiktok, Rutte

VVD on TikTok: Genuine connection or political stunt?

Idhuna Pastoor
16 minutes to read

When the Dutch political party the VVD joined TikTok, reactions varied. Can the VVD effectively reach the youth on TikTok? Or are they missing the point and creating a ludicrous image for themselves?

Did Brexaustion kill Corbyn's media strategy?

Jan Blommaert
12 minutes to read

Analyses of Corbyn's social media campaign overlook something: the fact that politics is played out in a weaponized hybrid media field.

AOC, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, maiden speech, CSPAN

How AOC turned C-SPAN into a media hit

Jan Blommaert
6 minutes to read

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez congressional hearing interventions have turned C-SPAN's traditionally unspectacular broadcasts into a highly successful hybrid media format.

(De) constructing Jair Bolsonaro’s presidential campaign

Ulisses Sawczuk da Silva
14 minutes to read

Bolsonaro has harnessed new and legacy media in building an image of authenticity. This sucessful media strategy has helped catapult him to the presidency, despite his tendency towards offensive statements and hyper nationalism. 

Virat Kohli

Interested in globalization? Watch cricket

Jan Blommaert
7 minutes to read

The Cricket World Cup 2019 is a global media event of enormous size, while cricket itself is practiced only in a relatively small area in the world. How come?
