
This paper compares The fire next time by James Baldwin and Between the world and me by Ta-Nehisi Coates to come to a more inclusionary concept of authorship than Barthes’ death of the Author, based on Foucault’s notion of author function.

Baldwin and Coates: Activist postures as ‘live authorship’

Jop Gillissen
30 minutes to read

A comparison of Baldwin's and Coates’ public intellectual positions and their works The fire next time and Between the world and me, for a more inclusionary idea of authorship than Barthes’ death of the Author, using Foucault’s author function.

gender bending queer party, safe space, queer,

Heteronormativity awareness. Critical notes on Workplace Pride

Sanne van Driel
13 minutes to read

Now that Tilburg University has raised the rainbow flag, let's talk about heteronormativity. On Coming Out Day, Tilburg University announced its membership to Workplace Pride. Some critical reflections on 'coming out' and safe spaces.