
Book review "Darkness at noon"- Rubashov illustration

Why you should read "Darkness at noon" (Arthur Koestler)

Nataliia Vdovychenko
7 minutes to read

Certain kinds of literature cannot be forgotten. Darkness at noon is a must read for everyone who values high quality novels and wants to learn more about the Soviet Union, revolution and history in general.

Trump, the celebrity-businessman and vox populism

Ico Maly
11 minutes to read

In this second article on Trump's message, Ico Maly analyzes Donald Trump's "bragging-message machine". Winning elections is not about how well informed or intelligent a candidate is, it’s about ‘Message’.

Donald Trump American President?

Is Donald Trump a 'dangerous clown'?

Ico Maly
9 minutes to read

In this first article on "Trump's Message", Ico Maly analyzes the negative messaging of the adversaries of Donald Trump.  He argues that the framing of Trump as a clown makes us blind to the power of his message.