This short paper intends to sketch an empirical theory of identity in a context of superdiversity. It adds to the development of new approaches to language and semiotics in superdiverse environments.
The last masterclass of Jan Blommaert on Language X Power X Activism. A must-see for all academics and activists interested in language, power, ideology and antiracism.
When Sirpa Leppänen, Elina Westinen and Samu Kytölä were thinking about how to put together their message to Jan Blommaert, they came up with the idea to design it as a dialogue. A dialogue about academia, messiness and friendship.
Anna De Fina met Jan Blommaert in the early 2000’s during a workshop on Narrative and Identity. That workshop was one of the pivotal experiences of her academic career and, to a certain extent of her life.
In this column Ana Deumert pays tribute to Jan Blommaert's scholareship, focusing on the text From Fieldnotes to Grammar (2013), and the possibility of formulating a 'new science of language'.
Jan Blommaert on life
In this file, we collect the work Jan Blommaert has written for Diggit Magazine and work of others about his impact on the academic field.