political communication

European Union Communication advice

The future of the EU: Do you know what the EU does for you?

Alea Sophie Küppers
4 minutes to read

In the past decades the European Union has been acting in the background. It totally overslept the rise of anti-Europe sentiments. The EU finally needs to start communicating how it improves the lives of the ordinary European citizens.

Fertility Day Campaign II

Addes Tesfamariam
11 minutes to read

Preserving fertility revolves around good lifestyles and avoiding people with a diverse background. This is the message the Health Minister sends in Fertility Day campaign II. Read my diverse Italian perspective.


Italy's fertility day campaign

Addes Tesfamariam
10 minutes to read

Fertility Day, the campaign to combat Italy's low birthrate, outraged the entire country. What made this campaign so controversial?

Fertility Day: a LGBT perspective

Maria Cantiello
4 minutes to read

The infamous campaign on the Fertility Day campaign, promoted by the Italian Minister of Health, was followed by strong reactions from different sides of Italian society. This article provides an analyses from the LGBT perspective.

Ben Carson tweets '#IamaChristian' right after the Oregon shooting on October 2nd 2015.

Ben Carson's #IamaChristian

Suleika Gommers
20 minutes to read

Carsons tweet 'I AM A CHRISTIAN ’  went viral right after the college shooting near Roseburg, Oregon, killing nine people. This paper give insight on the person Ben Carson, what made him tweet these words.