Popular Culture

The Absurdist Branding of Death Grips

Michiel Hak
7 minutes to read

This article will focus on Death Grips’ rise to cult status and how they used the internet as a paradigm for a rather artistic and unique business model.

Why you should not take participants in reality shows seriously

Nesrine Benyakhlaf
7 minutes to read

Everybody loves a good reality television show, right? However, these shows aren't as innocent as they seem. This article argues that reality shows aren't as innocent as they seem.

5 groundbreaking music video directors you should know

Fay Georgaki
4 minutes to read

Which groundbreaking music video directors should you know? These guys either go big or go home, so read this article to get to know them.


Doutzen: Hollands trots

Iris Cuppen
7 minutes to read

Doutzen Kroes is niet enkel een lingeriemodel, ze is ook voor velen een rolmodel. Wat zegt dit over onze samenleving? Een scherp artikel van Iris Cuppen.