
TAylor Swift Swifties Fandom superdiversity

Superdiversity within the Swifties

Sam van Alebeek
10 minutes to read

The fandom of Taylor Swift consists of people from places all over the world. However, they do wear the same merchandise and interact with each other on online platforms, so in what way exactly are Swifties superdiverse? 

Taylor Swift as an Alt-Right icon appropriation

Why is Taylor Swift associated with the Alt-Right movement?

Jady van Leusden
18 minutes to read

Taylor Swift is the embodiment of the perfect Nazi woman. At least, according to some members of the alt-right movement. But why? This is an article on the images behind the pop-icon and the Alt-Right movement that finds a connection.

Taylor Swift Fans Concert

Taylor Swift and the story of the Swifties fandom

Amber van As
15 minutes to read

The fans of pop icon Taylor Swift call themselves the Swifties. This article will provide an introduction to this social group and its functioning.