
Spotify Wrapped abstract visual

What does your Spotify Wrapped say about you?

Ruben den Boer
10 minutes to read

Spotify Wrapped has become a fun holiday tradition. But in reality, it actually says something about the identity you portray online, contemporary culture, and the influence of tech companies.

Deep Medicine - review

Can artificial intelligence make medicine more humane? (Eric Topol)

Jenny Slatman
7 minutes to read

Eric Topol, the author of Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again (2019), argues in this book that articificial intelligence can make healthcare more humane. 

Coronamelder app

The CoronaMelder app: an internalized violation of privacy?

Ilse van Knegsel
14 minutes to read

CoronaMelder is a hot topic, but the Dutch are not very willing to use the COVID tracking application. Is this because of privacy violations or do we not care about our privacy anymore?

Does a Fitbit make you healthier and happier?

Iris Olde Hampsink
11 minutes to read

This article analyzes the app Fitbit, its aim and its game design elements. What makes Fitbit both successful and unsuccessful. Additionally, the article discusses what role participatory surveillance plays on the app. 

under the radar

The post-digital infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings

Lisa van Turnhout
10 minutes to read

The infrapolitics of Jurgen Conings in a post - digital and post - Christchurch world show social media leads to both more surveillance and more anonymous opportunities at the same time. 

Lifesum Food Tracker: The Dynamic Environment of Self-Tracking

Savina Karneva
12 minutes to read

People’s desire to exercise control over their lives is turning into a dominant practice with the emergence of all kinds of self-tracking apps that improve individuals’ quality of life and provide them with a deeper understanding of their habits.

Fitbit and participatory surveillance of the modern individual

Nathalie Schabio
10 minutes to read

This article sheds light on how Foucault's principle of the Panopticon can be applied to the digital age. The Fitbit app is more than a modern panopticon that shows that the 21st-century individual takes part in participatory surveillance.