Global New Right

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process of differentiation and demarcation, by which the line is drawn between ‟us” and ‟them” – between the more and the less powerful – and through which social distance is established and maintained (Lister 2004).
Dr. Eviane Leidig

Eviane Leidig on The Women of the Far Right

The Editors

What is the role of women in the far-right? In this video, Eviane Leidig explains how far-right female micro-celebrities help to "normalize and legitimize" the ideological beliefs of the far-right.

PragerU banner

The Adult in Leo and Layla's History Adventures

Gideon De Pan
19 minutes to read

This article discusses the conservative image of children presented in the animated show Leo and Leyla's History Adventures. 

How Andrew Tate uses media literacy to gain online influence

How Andrew Tate gains influence through his media literacy

Femke van Bree
19 minutes to read

Despite getting banned several times on a wide variety of online platforms, Andrew Tate continues to gain influence online. This article analyses Andrew Tate’s online presence, to show how he deploys his media literacy to spread his ideas.

Factsheet Danielle D'Souza Gill

Fact sheet: Danielle D'Souza Gill

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
8 minutes to read

Danielle D'Souza Gill is a famous far-right influencer. Her entire family appears to be part of an effort to spread right-wing ideas. Before you read our three articles concerning her, get some background information on her through this factsheet.

The uptake of Danielle D'Souza Gill

The uptake of Danielle D'Souza Gill: Platform matters

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
28 minutes to read

Danielle D'Souza Gill is a popular far-right influencer. The manner in which her followers engage with her posts varies per platform. Read this article to discover how this works differently on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

A white planetary symbol for Venus - used as a gender symbol for women - with a target on it.

Incel communities: an online renewal of the patriarchy

Jamie Demers
10 minutes to read

This paper is an exploration of the anti-feminism of the incel community through digital discourse analysis of incel forums.

Bolsonaro holding a cell phone with his right hand in front of his face

The hate machine: how Bolsonaro makes use of algorithmic knowledge

Larissa Andrade Pereira
15 minutes to read

This paper aims to illustrate how Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro - and his communication strategists also known as the “hate cabinet” - make use of algorithmic knowledge in order to circulate his message and ideology in the hybrid media system.