
Micro-population is a concept introduced by Maly and Varis (2015) to make sense of group construction and identity formation in times of digitalization and (neoliberal) globalization. According to them, micro-populations are polycentric, layered and transnational groups. 

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Subcultures consist of people who participate in a lifestyle that is typically regarded as deviant in dominant society. Engagement in such deviant activities usher people to find other like-minded individuals and interact with them in order to build a culture. This helps in the development of perspectives about oneself with relation to others in society (Becker 1963).


Identity refers to various aspects of how we see ourselves, how we show ourselves to others, and how we perceive others.


Enoughness is a theory of contemporary identity that states that identities are constructed out of a particular portion ("enough") of emblematic identity features.


Micro-populations are the material expression of temporary and emerging micro-hegemonies. They group people together by their ‘style’, by the places where they hang out and the places where you can’t find them.
Taylor Swift Fans Concert

Taylor Swift and the story of the Swifties fandom

Amber van As
15 minutes to read

The fans of pop icon Taylor Swift call themselves the Swifties. This article will provide an introduction to this social group and its functioning.

Make-up lovers in the online world

Nadadja Binder
25 minutes to read

This paper analyzes the online behaviour of make-up lovers. It is a new, heterogenic, polycentric and multilayered micro-population in which people share a passion for this consumer product. What are the norms and how can one become a master?
