
Logo van Ongehoord Nederland, op de achtergrond een omgekeerde Nederlandse vlag

The Ongehoord Nederland community on Twitter: thick or light?

Ruben den Boer
19 minutes to read

Following the controversial broadcasts of Ongehoord Nederland, temporary Twitter communities quickly arise. Can we consider these communities as 'thick'? Or are they more 'light' in nature? This article uses ethnomining to find out. 

Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

A lover or a monster: Jeffrey Dahmer in the true crime genre

Iris Dumoulin
11 minutes to read

Netflix's newest series on Jeffrey Dahmer has sparked a large debate. In this study, I look at the Twitter conversations surrounding the Dahmer series and how they affect the broader conversation about the ethics of the true crime genre.


Instagram Poetry: Am I Good Enough for my Own Endeavor?

Audrey Frijns
8 minutes to read

Poetry on Instagram is becoming increasingly popular. This article explores if poetry can truly shake its connotations with elitism and how Instagram pages attract an audience that performs visibility labor.