
Coronamelder app

The CoronaMelder app: an internalized violation of privacy?

Ilse van Knegsel
14 minutes to read

CoronaMelder is a hot topic, but the Dutch are not very willing to use the COVID tracking application. Is this because of privacy violations or do we not care about our privacy anymore?

Digital vigilantism during COVID-19 : The Chengdu patient

Meiyi Su
10 minutes to read

This article explores the human flesh search and attempted digital vigilantism that took place following the announcement of four sudden COVID-19 cases in the previously stabilized Chinese city of Chengdu. 

covid-19 memes, coronavirus, memes

Coronavirus memes: Laughing the apocalypse away

Jana Nuiten
10 minutes to read

As the coronavirus pandemic has taken hold, coronavirus memes have emerged. In memes, people find an outlet for being humorous and coping with the harsh circumstances they are living in at the moment.

Stay home during Corona crisis or be judged.

Covidiots and the ‘stay home behavioural script’

Lisa van Turnhout
11 minutes to read

The corona crisis has shown how quickly cultural repertoires can change when society is at risk. The norms we used to take for granted are now turned upside down, changing the way we perceive others and ourselves.

Sexual monsters in a pandemic

Tinka Krikke
9 minutes to read

How are norms around sexual activity moralized as a tool for regulating behavior and controling the risk to society during the corona crisis? In this article, we discuss moral judgements on sexual encounters and masturbation in corona times.

An Instagram feed shows an alert about coronavirus, followed by a post that reads "we will feel alive again"

Memeing under Covid-19: On the phatic internet and collectivity

Lucie Chateau
16 minutes to read

This article looks at how our online communication practices have changed under the Covid-19 crisis. It looks at collective memeing, text chains and Boomer Images to reflect on what connections are being made in these extraordinary times.