
Make-up lovers in the online world

Nadadja Binder
25 minutes to read

This paper analyzes the online behaviour of make-up lovers. It is a new, heterogenic, polycentric and multilayered micro-population in which people share a passion for this consumer product. What are the norms and how can one become a master?

Representation of the Zef Culture by Die Antwoord

Lisa Wijvekate
16 minutes to read

Die Antwoord is a South African hip hop group that represents the South African Zef culture. This paper analyses the way the song 'Fatty Boom Boom' uses symbols and icons to represent Zef culture.

Black Pete and Sinterklaas

Why Black Pete should no longer be black

Roeline Machiels
5 minutes to read

The character of Black Pete is meant to be inoffensive, according to most Dutch citizens, yet others still find the black-faced character highy offensive. It is time to change the looks of Black Pete once and for all.

voguing it into the mainstream

The LGBTQ community and voguing

Heleen Dijkhuizen
4 minutes to read

When voguing entered the mainstream, the connection between the LGBTQ community and voguing changed. 

Voguing by definition: self-expression within the LGBTQ-community

Fleur Aarts
5 minutes to read

Voguing is a form of expressive dance, created in a time where being anything other than heterosexual was not accepted. Voguing is a lifestyle, wherein young men and women find a way to express their true selves without having to hide.

Finally ethnic diversity in 2017's Brit Awards

Marlou Agterberg
3 minutes to read

After last year's #BritsSoWhite controversy, this year's Brit Awards finally showed ethnic diversity. It is about time other music award shows like the Grammys follow.