ethnographic linguistic landscape analysis

Coffee places in Tilburg as linguistic landscapes

Savina Karneva
21 minutes to read

In this article, we analyze three different coffee places in Tilburg as linguistic landscapes in order to illustate hidden indexical meanings found in them, which point to their history, their present, and their future with customers.

"Window of culture" at the Junho Medical Center

Asian Culture and Commodity in the City Centre of Tilburg

Marit van Dijck
13 minutes to read

This paper is focussed on Asian culture and commodity in the city centre of Tilburg in the form of linguistic and semiotic signs. Therefore we found three shops that represent important aspects of life: health, beauty and nutrition. 

Spoorzone Tilburg Station

Linguistic directions in De Spoorzone of Tilburg

Jan Dijsselbloem
23 minutes to read

'De Spoorzone', North of Tilburg station, was claimed in 1886 by Dutch Railways, and received the name 'Forbidden City'. Recently reclaimed, urbanization began. Hiding an abundance of signs, the area displays tons of indexicality.

Linguistic landscapes
