global new right

The uptake of Danielle D'Souza Gill

The uptake of Danielle D'Souza Gill: Platform matters

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
28 minutes to read

Danielle D'Souza Gill is a popular far-right influencer. The manner in which her followers engage with her posts varies per platform. Read this article to discover how this works differently on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

Right-wing Gramscianism: the hegemonic project of Thierry Baudet

Tinus Sioen
12 minutes to read

Thierry Baudet often mentions the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci. Analysing these references, this article places Baudet in a right-wing gramscian movement in order to get a better understanding of his hegemonic project. 

BreadTube: YouTube but good

How BreadTube challenges right-wing discourse

Marit van Dijck
15 minutes to read

BreadTube, a loose association of leftist content creators, successfully appropriates right-wing and mainstream techniques to break into their information flows online. But their usage of neoliberal affordances might threaten their future. 

slavic union

Slavic Union is on the rise in Eastern Europe

Nataliia Vdovychenko
20 minutes to read

Much of the information about Alt-Right nowadays comes from 'the West'. This is not very accurate, because the movement is strong and growing in Eastern Europe. This article describes the concept of Slavia and why we should know about it.

Exploring Breivik: A “Lone Wolf”s War against Cultural Marxism

Stella Veranoudi
11 minutes to read

This paper provides an analysis of the connection between the online/offline anti-cultural Marxism communities and individuals starting with Anders Breivik, as we study his "2083" manifesto.