
Nebula: A (partially) creator-owner streaming service

Nebula: What does creator-owned mean?

Joël Eduard Nicholas Grassère
21 minutes to read

Nebula is a streaming site that combines capitalist and socialist ideas. Worker exploitation and commodified individualism are addressed on the site, through infrastructures. Meanwhile, they also provide a platform for leftist discourses 

capitalism, neoliberalism

What’s in a word: Neoliberalism or capitalism?

Christian Chun
5 minutes to read

Is there a difference between capitalism and neoliberalism? And what are the affordances of employing one term over another? Does this matter? According to Christian Chun (University of Massachusetts Boston) it does matter. 

Dutch Language Representing Translator Dialect And Netherlands

'Dutch only at work’ : Discrimination or reasonable?

Meauraine van Gorp
16 minutes to read

Language requirements at work: a form of discrimination or reasonable selection? The following article provides an analysis that helps to determine your opinion regarding this matter.  

Conferences, course readers and citations. Challenging the Politics of Knowledge

Ana Deumert
4 minutes to read

In this column, Ana Deumert reflects on the politics of knowledge that shape research and teaching. She argues that in order to realize sociolinguistics as a truly international and inclusive discipline, we need to change our citation practices. 

Taylor Swift Fans Concert

Taylor Swift and the story of the Swifties fandom

Amber van As
15 minutes to read

The fans of pop icon Taylor Swift call themselves the Swifties. This article will provide an introduction to this social group and its functioning.

The politics of #shutdown: from capitalism to popular protest

Ana Deumert
4 minutes to read

In this column Ana Deumert looks at the meaning and practice of shutdown. Originally used in the context of capitalist expansion and workforce disciplining, it has been adopted as a grassroots tool of rebellion against the status quo. 

ING's reorganization

Jan Blommaert
4 minutes to read

At the heart of TINA (There Is No Alternative), there is a lie revolving around the suggestion of absolute and uncontrollable actors shaping fields to which we can only respond. This lie deserves close inspection.