
Riki Thompson's research is much more profound than the words 'online dating' might be able to suggest. In this video, she explains how her research can be both participatory and therapeutic, and how her findings yield all sorts of insights regarding normativity, algorithmically programmed ideology and the societal role of technology.

female armpit hair, normativity, foucault, body politics, discrimination,

Gabriela de la Vega on Female Armpit Hair - Babylon is Burning

The Editors

Visible Female armpit hair stirs emotions and feeds online hypes and debates.  Gabriela de la Vega started her research into female armpit hair by questioning the normality of 'shaving body hair' as a woman. 

‘Why not a zebra crossing?’, Breda (28-02-2017 , © M. van Gorp)

Who is dangerous?

Meauraine van Gorp
15 minutes to read

Participating in traffic situations requires knowing the norms and trusting others knowing the same norms. This paper, using linguistic landscape analysis, analyzes the underlying structures of a fake zebra crossing.

Being a teacher

Paper School
14 minutes to read

This paper analyzes personal  identity changes.The casestudy shows how social norms, 'enoughness' and privacy influence identity.