Riki Thompson on online dating and normative relationships

The Editors

Riki Thompson's research into online dating is much more profound than the words 'online dating' might suggest. By critically analyzing dating apps like Bumble and Hinge, Thompson is not just addressing the ways in which people use technologies to find romantic love and develop connections, she also observes how society defines what a 'normal' relationship — and thus 'normal' people — look like. As such, her research touches upon the role of technology in society, normativity and the ideological beliefs that inform normative behavior, and the ways in which dating apps sometimes "push back" against hegemonic views, for instance by attempting to technologically empower women.

In order to address the questions she has, Thompson combines a variety of approaches and methods, one of which she calls "dialogic action interview". Surprisingly (or maybe not), her participants are not hesitant to talk about their biggest dating nightmares, and the trauma — for instance a divorce — that often caused them to begin their 'online dating journey' in the first place. According to Thompson, people actually really enjoy talking about online dating, romantic love and the internet. Some people even find Thompson's interviews "therapeutic".

Riki Thompson on online dating and normative relationships

Would you like to learn more about Thompson's research? We are posting various short videos on our social media in which Thompson explains how she chooses the best approaches and methods to answer her research questions, and in which she talks about inspiring research projects and the future of her academic discipline.