
TPCS 3: Truly Moving Texts

Working paper
Sjaak Kroon

As the world is continuously globalizing, we can no longer analyze language as a local, resident and stable complex of signs attached to an equally local, resident and stable community of speakers. This paper engages with an issue which is at the core of this paradigmatic shift: the question of meaning-making in a system which we see as intrinsically unstable and dynamic. 

To Jan Blommaert

Sirpa Leppänen
14 minutes to read

When Sirpa Leppänen, Elina Westinen and Samu Kytölä were thinking about how to put together their message to Jan Blommaert, they came up with the idea to design it as a dialogue.  A dialogue about academia, messiness and friendship. 

jan blommaert, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, in memorium, tribute

Farewell, Jan Blommaert

Tom Van Hout
2 minutes to read

Tom Van Hout says farewell to Jan Blommaert. He praises not only the academic, but also the man who normalized vulnerability

Jan Blommaert, Christian Chun, discourse, sociolinguistics

My tribute to Jan Blommaert

Christian Chun
3 minutes to read

Christian Chun describes the impact of Jan Blommaert on his work: 'It is people like Jan Blommaert who has shown me in so many ways through his work, his teaching, his demeanor, his personality, and his humanity that indeed we can make academia a better world worth fighting for. '

Political polarization Ghent linguistic landscape protest from the left

Political polarization in Ghent: a "radical" linguistic landscape

Claudia Gerards
32 minutes to read

With a shift towards the far-right, politics in Flanders have become rather polarized. In Ghent's linguistic landscape, we see counter noise coming from the left. What does this tell us about Ghent in the context of Flemish politics?