#surveillance capitalism

“Hey Google, is buying your smart home speaker actually that smart?”

Isobel Huisman
12 minutes to read

Smart home devices have made our lives easier, but at what cost? This paper aims to explore what privacy issues voice interactions with the Google Nest speaker raise for its users and why we choose to continue to use these speakers. 

A person using a tablet and stylus to draw

DeviantArt and AI: The showdown between manual playbour and automated playbour

Pak Wing Ng
15 minutes to read

By looking at DeviantArt and its no-AI alternative Side 7, the article explores an issue of the security of users' artwork with the rise of AI art generators, as well as the way the platforms deal with artwork protection. 

Understanding Big Other: Self-recognition in the Web of Eyes

Academic paper
Jeroen van Aalst
16 minutes to read

This paper examines Zuboff's "Big Other" and proposes to change this metaphor to "Web of Eyes" in order to stimulate a discourse that accounts for recognizing human self-responsibility and agency in this age of continuous surveillance.