
Viral music on TikTok

Marieke Weeda
10 minutes to read

This article takes a closer look at the usage of music on TikTok, how songs can rise to virality on this platform, and what consequences this has for artists and the music industry.

celebrities, gangnam, virality, online YouTube

Overnight celebrities and virality

Ghyli Kirshner
12 minutes to read

In the past few years certain music videos were impossible to miss. Whether you go viral or not can make or break you. In this paper you can find some world-famous examples.

Ben Carson tweets '#IamaChristian' right after the Oregon shooting on October 2nd 2015.

Ben Carson's #IamaChristian

Suleika Gommers
20 minutes to read

Carsons tweet 'I AM A CHRISTIAN ’  went viral right after the college shooting near Roseburg, Oregon, killing nine people. This paper give insight on the person Ben Carson, what made him tweet these words.