Journey: a spiritual pilgrimage online

Networked religion

Journey: a spiritual pilgrimage online

Journey is an adventure game developed by ThatGameCompany and released by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2012 on PlayStation 3. A robed figure in a desolate world undertakes a journey towards a distant, glowing mountain. On the way to the mysterious mountain, players traverse sun-scorched wastelands, subterranean caves and arctic lands where visibility is obscured by a relentless blizzard. 
Journey follows the storyline of Joseph Campbell’s monomyth: the journey of the hero in three phases, that remind us of Van Gennep’s three phases of a ritual. The hero's journey, or the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. 
Journey invites the player to enter a new space, this is an experience of liminality or anti-structure: a temporary antithesis of the ordinary community to which the pilgrim belongs in everyday life.
Journey is not linked to an institutionialized religion, but it is about pilgrimage, travelling to a destination, it is a teleological journey. Entering and playing Journey is a new experience of worlding, being-in-a-place, in a set time frame. If we connect this with the spiritual and religious imagery of the game and the soundtrack, we can imagine that experiences of the sacred emerge.